Tax Office Action. Stat Demand

Directors penalties, estimates and statutory demands Indications are that the compliance program for unremitted PAYG withholding and unpaid superannuation contributions by employers will be stepped up in 2013 as the 2012 amendments are ‘bedded down’. As a result of those amendments and internal administration reforms the time taken by the [...]

2020-09-03T15:25:21+10:00December 17th, 2012|Categories: Taxation|Tags: , |

ACCC changes – Terms & Conditions, Consumer Protection Component

ACCC changes - Terms & Conditions, consumer protection component A reminder to all suppliers and manufacturers - Take action to ensure that you comply with the consumer guarantees under the australian consumer law In January 2011 the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) was introduced. The introduction of the ACL saw suppliers [...]

2018-09-18T16:09:27+10:00November 23rd, 2012|Categories: Commercial|Tags: |

Director’s Penalty Notices

Changes to the director penalty regime- reporting company liabilities to the ato has never been as important Changes to the director penalty regime, which took effect on 30 June 2012, have greatly extended the circumstances in which a director will be personally liable for a company’s unpaid tax obligations. All current and potential directors need [...]

2012-11-23T04:23:48+11:00November 23rd, 2012|Categories: Commercial|

Buying and selling

Conveyancing Before signing a Contract you should engage in the services of a lawyer who will guide you through the process. Buying What Pointon Partners will do for you: Review the Contract of Sale before signing Ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you acquire the title to what you have purchased Investigate [...]

2012-11-23T02:23:02+11:00November 23rd, 2012|Categories: Property|

Restraint of Trade Clause Case

TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – RESTRAINT OF TRADE Restraint of trade clauses are more often than not included in employment contracts in order to restrict a departing employee from competing with their former employer. They can be individually drafted and may include a number of restraints, including prohibiting the employee from soliciting, canvassing or approaching clients [...]

2012-11-23T01:17:25+11:00November 23rd, 2012|Categories: Employment Law|

Duties Act

Sweeping changes to the duties act set to significantly affect numerous transactions From 1 July 2012, Victoria’s land-rich regime was replaced by new landholder duty rules, which brought Victoria largely into line with all other Australian jurisdictions (except for Tasmania). The landholder duty rules apply to a much larger range of transactions, and are of [...]

2012-11-21T06:01:39+11:00November 21st, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

Challenging Wills

Testator's family maintenance claim Despite any contrary intention of a will maker, under section 91(1) of the Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Vic), the Supreme Court has power to order that financial provision be made out of the estate of a deceased person for the ‘proper maintenance and support’ of a person ‘for whom he [...]

2012-11-21T03:40:07+11:00November 21st, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

Charter of National/Vic Bodies

Defending the position of sporting organisations in the new state of play The Australian Sports Commission recently published its new ‘Sports Governance Principles’ (Principles) with the aim of improving the governance of Australia’s national sporting organisations to ultimately improve performance on the field. Together with dealing with general governance principles, the Principles effectively seek to [...]

2018-08-08T20:19:46+10:00November 21st, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|


Intellectual property (IP) is perhaps one of the most valuable business assets that your company owns. IP rights can provide your business with a competitive advantage. It is essential that alongside the money and time spent inventing, developing and marketing your IP, you take adequate measures to protect it. Some IP rights require a formal [...]

2012-11-21T01:48:57+11:00November 21st, 2012|Categories: Intellectual Property|


Fortescue – v - ASIC High court clears fortescue metals and andrew forrest, asic slammed The High Court recently handed down its decision in Forrest v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2012] HCA 39 where it allowed appeals by both Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (Fortescue) and its prominent director Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest (Forrest) against the [...]

2012-11-21T00:57:16+11:00November 21st, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|
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